
Start working on this application by writing its behavior in the file app/src/typer_service_api/behavior.clj


cd into any directory and execute the following:

lein new pedestal-app my-project
cd my-project
lein repl

The io.pedestal.app-tools.dev namespace is loaded by default. It contains several useful functions. To see a list of some of these functions, type:


To begin working on an application, execute:


and then visit http://localhost:3000.

Alternatively, start the app server from the command line: lein run.

During development of an application, sources will be compiled on-demand. Sources include everything located in the app directory. All compiled output goes to out/public. The contents of out/public are transient and the out directory can be deleted at any time to trigger a complete re-build.

The contents of out/public are the deployment artifacts for this project.

If you would like to serve the contents of out/public from another server and not run the development server. Run:

(watch :development)

from the application project to automatically build the :development environment when sources change.
