
Ansible Playbook to Deploy a Baseline Logstash Shipper

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Ansible Playbook to Deploy a Vanilla Logstash Install

What this role does

This role simply installs Java and the Logstash JAR file as well as the daemonize package used with the provided init script. Povides a completely blank logstash.conf. I use the daemonize package to help simplify the init script as it tends to be easier for people to reason through that aren't as experienced with the Fedora / RHEL based init system.

What this role does not do

It does not configure logstash. There are many complex and different ways to configure it, so I leave that up to the experties of the end user to adjust the config the way they see fit. Does not set logstash to start at boot.

Default Vars

#File defaults/main.yml
ansible_logstash_jar: logstash-1.3.3-flatjar.jar
ansible_logstash_config_file: /opt/logstash/conf/logstash.conf
ansible_logstash_log_file: /opt/logstash/logs/logstash.log

These vars should be pretty self explanatory.

ansible_logstash_jar is the version of logstash to pull pull down

ansible_logstash_config_file is the default configuration file directory and file name

ansible_logstash_log_file is the default logfile location and name

All three of these are used in the init script template that is provided.

Working Distros

This has been tested and working with Fedora 18,19, and 20

Feedback and constructive critisim is much appreciated.