
A VR character controller for A-Frame with teleportation, smooth locomotion, snap turning, and smooth turning.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A-Frame VR Character Controller

This is something I developed for my own use so that I could have a ready-made character controller with smooth locomotion, teleporting, snap turning, and smooth turning. It wraps the hand-controls, vive-controls, oculus-touch-controls, and windows-motion-controls components into an primitive, and makes use of aframe-blink-controls for teleportation.


To use the character controller, just copy the following HTML code into your <a-scene>:

<a-entity id="player">
    <a-entity id="head" camera wasd-controls look-controls></a-entity>        
    <a-controller id="controllerL" hand="left" move="true"></a-controller>
    <a-controller id="controllerR" hand="right" turn-type="snap"></a-controller>

By default, this will give you:

  • Teleportation with thumbstick forward on both hands
  • Smooth locomotion on the left thumbstick/trackpad with a speed of 2
  • Snap turning on the right thumbstick/trackpad with a default snap angle of 45 degrees.

Movement and rotation have been allocated to their specific controllers based on what I feel is most common practice, but you can easily make modifications to switch them.


There are two components: smooth-locomotion and turn-controls.


Attribute Name Type Default Value Info
speed float 2 Player movement speed
active bool false Whether controller should be used to move
fly bool false Allows player to move up and down based on look direction


Attribute Name Type Default Value Info
turnType string "none" Method of turning. "none" disables the component. "snap" uses snap turning. "smooth" uses smooth turning. Anything else will log an error and act as "none".
snapDegrees float 45 Angle in degrees to rotate player on snap
turnSpeed float 2 Player smooth turning speed