Hello World DAPP
HWdapp is a hello world decentralized application. Contains the basic functionality so you can use it as a template and start building your own application.
Think of it as a hello world dapp starter kit.
Table of contents
- What the dapp does?
- Architecture diagram
- Technologies stack
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Disclaimer
- Other helpful resources
- License
What the dapp does?
show text stored in the blockchain, and update that text. interact directly with ethereum blockchain!!
Everytime you update
contract, ethers automatically will point to the new deployed address.
Basic architecture diagram
Technologies stack
- react - build front end, animations, make your app look cute
- ethers - Communicate with the blockchain and bridge to frontend
- hardhat - compile, test and create a local blockchain
each red box represents the main file name from each technology
- node js and yarn
- metamask account -> https://metamask.io
- an alchemy.com account -> https://www.alchemy.com (only if you want to deploy to testnet)
- fake ether from the testnet you want to use -> https://faucet.rinkeby.io (only if you want to deploy to testnet)
- Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/msucedo/HWdapp.git
- Install dependencies
cd HWdapp
yarn install
Compile contract
cd HWdapp
yarn compile
Deployment quick start!
cd HWdapp
> yarn chain // deploy local blockchain
> yarn deploy // deploy contract - run this everytime you update the contract
> yarn start // start server at http://localhost:3000/
please copy any account from the
yarn chain
output and add it to metamask, we will use our localhost 8545 network. how to? -> add hardhat account to metamasknote: you need three separate terminal windows
make sure metamask is running on localhost:8545!
deploy on testnet (i.e. rinkeby)
- go to
- add your alchemy.com api url and your metamask account private key
- go to
- update 'defaultNetwork' with your testnet name i.e. rinkeby
- remove last comment inside "networks" to enable testnet settings
- go to
- uncomment 'chainId' for testnet and comment for localhost
- deploy contract
cd HWdapp
yarn deploy
note: copy the contract address from your terminal window, open etherscan.io for your selected testnet and search the address. you should be able to see your contract.
sadly you might find bugs, but for the simplicity and goal of the exercise they don't represent a risk, take this code as what it is (a path to the needed tools, folders, configurations to build, test and deploy locally a dapp).
Please note the goal of this repository is to give a clearer path of (one in between many choices you have on) how to locally build dapps, I found myself having trouble to understand how to develop locally and now that I have a kinda better idea I wanted to share with anyone interested the tools that I used and make available this simple template.
- note1: these are not the only tools available to build and deploy dapps.
- note2: regarding the alchemy.com account, it is free, from there we just need to create an app and copy the application key
- note3: I did not talk about some steps as they are easily self explanatory (funding your metamask with fake ether, create an alchemy account, etc)
- note4: any questions, comments, suggestions feel free to ping me at discord @msaucedo#2231
- Where can I edit the smart contract and the frontend?
edit contract - HWdapp/hardhat-zone/contracts/HelloWorld.sol
edit frontend - HWdapp/react-zone/src/App.js
- why the next text in the DAPP is not changing?
probably because common metamask error: "Nonce to high". Solution: metamask>accounts>settings>advanced>reset account more on this here nonce to high error
- I'm having issues compiling and running the project, what should I do?
if no luck by yourself, ping me @msaucedo#2231 at discord.
- What if I want to make a change to the contract?
- update contract at "HWdapp/hardhat-zone/contracts/HelloWorld.sol"
- make sure your node and frontend server are up (
yarn chain
&yarn start
)- run
yarn deploy
- I'm seeing error:
Error: call revert exception (method="getText()", errorArgs=null, errorName=null, errorSignature=null, reason=null, code=CALL_EXCEPTION,
at Logger.makeError (index.ts:225:1)
at Logger.throwError (index.ts:237:1)
at Interface.decodeFunctionResult (interface.ts:425:1)
at Contract.<anonymous> (index.ts:392:1)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (index.ts:1:1)
you need to import a local hardhat account to metamask and use local network 8545. how to? -> add hardhat account to metamask
Other helpful resources
- buildspace.so
- eth.build - omg this is pure gold
- scaffold-eth - if you mastered HWdapp take a look here!!!
- cryptozombies
- full stack Ethereum guide