
As a school assignment, developer a newsreader utility that can read RSS feeds and display in a readable format on screen.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


As a school assignment, developer a newsreader utility that can read RSS feeds and display in a readable format on screen.

Installing & Running

Installation requires Node.js to be installed as a pre-requisite. Visit https://nodejs.org

  1. Clone project source into a directory
  2. Run command > npm install
  3. NPM the Node Package Manager will setup node-newsreader and any depenendcies
  4. Run command > node app

On launch the app will pull the feed configued in config.js and will present a CLI and menu for user input. The following commands are available:

  • pull: get the latest RSS newsfeed (runs on app start)
  • titles: show index of news titles
  • read [int]: read the content snippet of title [int]
  • open [int]: open the feed item in your system browser
  • quit: close this program

Alt text


Edit the config/config.js and set config.url to the RSS feed of your choosing.


node-newsreader makes use of a library to parse RSS feeds from XML to JSON and several other libraries to enhance the UI.



A small library for turning RSS XML feeds into JavaScript objects.



Node.js 'readline' alternative with support for coloured syntax highlighting and suggestions.



Terminal string styling done right



Open stuff like URLs, files, executables. For URLs in this case, open attempts to fetch the system brower (cross-platform).