
Open Parcel Viewer - A mobile ready web app for displaying 50k parcels or polygons without needing a GIS server.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Open Parcel Viewer ####An OVRDC App Template

This open data parcel viewer is a client-side app that uses Leaflet to render a whole county parcel map without the need for a GIS server. Try out the demo. This app also includes the modern-ui custom OVRDC style for the search bar and layer control.

Parcel Viewer


  • Search by any field or multiple fields, such as Name and/or Parcel ID
  • Sidebar, fullscreen, location, printing (using browser print dialog)
  • Render up to (approx) 50k parcels
  • Customized layer control with thumbnails
  • Similar performance on mobile and desktop


  • Data in topojson format, stored in the data folder - see mapshaper
  • A string field in the data titled 'index' to house the searchable attributes (with a separator - see the example)
  • Jekyll (or download the zip file and build the app manually)
  • A free Mapbox API key for using the Mapbox imagery (not necessary, the esri imagery could be used instead)
  • A (free) web server such as GitHub, surge.sh, others...

##Upgrades - Contributions Welcome

  • Create an npm package for the js dependencies
  • Convert from L.TileLayer.Canvas to L.GridLayer to be compatible with Leaflet 1.0
  • Make a Jekyll option for using vector tiles styled in Mapbox
  • Create a function to automatically split the index field and push all the index 'fields' to the popup or the sidebar
  • Add an option to add/remove more/other tools to/from the toolbar
  • Convert the toolbar from using leaflet-top leaflet-left to a new customized leaflet control
  • Documentation on the various options in geojson-vt and the drawing on canvas function
  • Add real support for multiple field search - possibly using fuse or typehead (like Leaflet Bootstrap)


  • Past zoom level 18 the parcels disappear - this is an upstream issue with geojson-vt Fixed 04/2016 - The default maxZoom for L.tileLayer.canvas (and L.tileLayer) is 18. In the L.CanvasTiles.js this has been changed to 22.
  • Pinch and zoom on touch devices causes strange behavior so it is disabled, use the zoom buttons (behind the sidebar) instead
  • Zoom animations have been limited to 2 zoom levels for better performance

##Thanks This app relies on a variety of plugins, but most importantly on the work of mourner, Sumbera, Stephano Cudini and Matthew Bloch.

This app is powered by Jekyll.

Ohio Valley Regional Development Commission Homepage