
Encode videos in an html5 video compatible format

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A command line utility to encode video files into an html5 video and SmartTV/DLNA friendly format.

Under the hood, it wraps ffmpeg to encode almost any input video format into an opinionated, pre-defined output format that should work on most browsers and SmartTVs


npm i -g mediaplay-encode


Usage: mediaplay-encode [options] [paths...]

  -V, --version                           output the version number
  -i, --high-quality                      Sacrifice cpu and/or disk space to get better quality
                                          (default: false)
  --debug                                 Enable debug output
  --delete-source                         Permanently removes source file after encoding (default:
  -p, --preview                           Encode only 10s, for previewing the result (default:
  -r, --reverse-order                     Prioritize encoding newer (by creation time) files
                                          (default: false)
  -e, --extensions [extension...]         Comma separated list of extensions to encode from
  -x, --exclude-pattern <excludePattern>  Exclude files matching this regular expression (default:
  -s, --encoded-suffix <suffix>           Add this suffix to the target file name (default: ".enc")
  -l, --loop-interval <seconds>           When no files are found loop every <seconds> instead of
                                          terminating (default: 0)
  -h, --help                              display help for command