
learning django, making time managment analysis app and crushing my fears :-)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Slaying Ryu - Project for developing Django app for analysis and evaluation of time management system

App is fetching completed tasks from Google Tasks API and idea is to have nice statistical presentation for analysis and evaluation of completed work. Over time I have developed time managment system mainly inspired by Randy Pausch. Idea is that TO-DO lists are organized by four categories:

  • Important and Do Soon
  • Important and Not Do Soon
  • Not Important and Do Soon
  • Not Important and Not Do Soon

Also every task has a tag which represents project or group of taks so statistics can be easly filterd by it.

Project is using:

  • south - for database migrations
  • bootstrap3 - for UI
  • djangobower - for easy install of bower apps jquery, d3.js etc.
  • django nvd3 - for beautifull charts
  • moment.js - for datetime library
  • eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker

Why Ryu?

Ryu is a Japanese dragon with three claws!!! And I'm gonna slay that dragon! Haha. Essentially it's my attempt at going against my fear of thinking that I can't be good programmer! Also this project is about time management and learning Django so that's why I'm making Django app Kurama that will slay dragon Ryu :-)

Current status

At the moment a lot of things are hard coded and badly written, I am aware of that, but priority was to make any kind of working version.

Setup instructions

Aside from virtualenv requirements.txt node.js and bower also need to be installed. Then django's bower_install management command can be used to installed required js libraries.