This is a BETA implementation of new MOLGENIS/EMX2 data service. Core differences with molgenis/molgenis include that it is simpler to setup and operate, it allows multiple data schemas and that for developers it exposes data via a self-documenting graphql api.
Demo server:
You can start molgenis-emx2:
- using docker compose
- using java commandline + postgresql
- using kubernetes
Details below:
- Install Docker compose.
- Download molgenis-emx2 docker-compose.yml file
- In directory with docker-compose.yml run:
docker-compose up
To update to latest release, run:
docker-compose pull
Stop by typing ctrl+c.
- because postgres starts slow, emx2 will restart 2-4 times because of 'ConnectException: Connection refused'. This is normal.
- the data of postgresql will be stored in 'psql_data' folder. Remove this folder you want a clean start.
- if you want particular molgenis-emx2 version then add version in docker-compose.yml file 'molgenis/molgenis-emx2:version'
- Install java (we use java 11 or higher)
- Download a molgenis-emx2-version-all.jar from releases.
- Download and install Postgresql (we use 11 or higher)
- Create postgresql database with name 'molgenis' and with superadmin user/pass 'molgenis'. On Linux/Mac commandline:
sudo -u postgres psql postgres=# create database molgenis; postgres=# create user molgenis with superuser encrypted password 'molgenis'; postgres=# grant all privileges on database molgenis to molgenis;
- Start molgenis-emx2; will run on 8080
java -jar molgenis-emx2-<version>-all.jar
Optionally, you can change defaults using either java properties or using env variables:
For example:
java -DMOLGENIS_POSTGRES_URI=jdbc:postgresql:mydatabase -DMOLGENIS_HTTP_PORT=9090 -jar molgenis-emx2-<version>-all.jar
If you have Kubernetes server then you can install using Helm.
Add helm chart repository (once)
helm repo add emx2
Run the latest release (see Helm docs)
helm install emx2/emx2
Update helm repository to get newest release
helm repo update
Alternatively, download latest helm chart
Find developer documentation here