
A port of Anarch for bare metal Raspberry Pi (with Circle)

Primary LanguageC++


A port of Anarch for bare metal Raspberry Pi (with Circle).

This is a port of the fps Anarch to raspberry pi in bare metal mode, that is, without operating system (the rpi boots straight into the game). This is possible thanks to Circle.


Actually the game is playable with keyboard. Keys are mapped to Z, X, A and the cursor. Tested on RPi 3.

Missing feature/TODO:

  • no sound
  • no mouse
  • no save/load
  • no gamepad

All these should be easy to implement (except maybe sound).

How to build

You need an ARM toolchain and a linux machine.

PATH=/path/to/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin:$PATH put your path to the arm toolchain bin folder

git clone https://github.com/rsta2/circle.git

git clone https://gitlab.com/drummyfish/anarch.git

nano circle/Rules.mk Set RASPPI to your raspberry board version (like 3)

cd circle

./makeall clean


cd ../anarch-baremetalpi/


cd ../circle/boot


copy all file under circle/boot (read the README there, expecially for RPi4) to an SD card

copy anarch-baremetalpi/kernel*.img to the SD card

now put the SD card into the RPi and start it.