Implementation for "Seamless Manga Inpainting with Semantics Awareness" (SIGGRAPH 2021 issue)
- akeyheroJapan
- akirasosaJapan
- ANABUR920Carnegie Mellon ECE
- CCCpeggyTaipei, Taiwan
- ChengBinJinGuangzhou, China
- chengchingwen
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- dai1975Tokyo, Japan
- deep-programmer
- DoubiiuThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- faraomanEL.Com S.r.l.
- fly51flyPRIS
- ggsonic
- giddyyupp
- HelixNGC7293New York
- him4318Delhi
- hitachinskAlibaba Group << USTC
- hyeonjangKorea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)
- ikasumi
- illeatmyhat
- jallex
- joegyoungOregon City School District
- kungyao
- KUR-creativeUnknown
- lkwq007CUHK
- MarkMoHRPostdoc @HKUST (GZ); Ph.D @SYSU
- mdyaoThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- mojtaba-arvinVidet Cloud
- negimaq
- nicholaslck@dktunited
- styler00dollar
- UdonDaThe University of Tokyo
- wali111
- WhiteGrouse
- zcadqewxs
- zhangzheng0131