
Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. PHP 8.0 or higher
  2. Composer 2 or higher
  3. MySQL

Instalation Steps

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Copy .env file with cp .env.example .env.
  3. Set environment variables on .env file using your favorite text editor.
  4. Install dependencies with composer install.
  5. Generate APP_KEY with php artisan key:generate
  6. Run migrations with php artisan migrate
  7. Seed data for initial setup php artisan db:seed
  8. Run app with php artisan serve
  9. Open on your browser.


Table roles {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    name varchar [not null]
    guard_name varchar [not null, default: 'web']

Table permissions {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    name varchar [not null]
    guard_name varchar [not null, default: 'web']

Table model_has_roles {
    role_id varchar [not null, ref: > roles.id]
    model_type varchar [not null]
    model_id varchar [not null]

    indexes {
        (role_id, model_type, model_id) [pk]

Table model_has_permissions {
    permission_id varchar [not null, ref: > permissions.id]
    model_type varchar [not null]
    model_id varchar [not null]

    indexes {
        (permission_id, model_type, model_id) [pk]

Table role_has_permissions {
    role_id varchar [not null, ref: > roles.id]
    permission_id varchar [not null, ref: > permissions.id]

    indexes {
        (role_id, permission_id) [pk]

Table users {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    name varchar [not null]
    email varchar [not null, unique]
    email_verified_at timestamp [null]
    password varchar [not null]
    remember_token varchar [null]

Table media {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    model_type varchar [not null]
    model_id varchar [not null]
    uuid varchar [null]
    collection_name varchar [not null]
    name varchar [not null]
    file_name varchar [not null]
    mime_type varchar [null]
    disk varchar [not null]
    conversion_disk varchar [null]
    size bigint [not null, unsigned]
    manipulations json [not null]
    custom_properties json [not null]
    generated_conversions json [not null]
    responsive_images json [not null]
    order_column int [null, unsigned]

Table products {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    name varchar [not null]
    sku varchar [null]
    price bigint [not null, unsigned]
    description longtext [null]

Table sales_orders {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    user_id varchar [not null, ref: > users.id]
    status varchar [not null]
    paid boolean [not null, default: false]
    name varchar [not null]
    quantity bigint [not null, unsigned, default: 0]
    total_line_items_price bigint [not null, unsigned, default: 0]
    total_additional_charge bigint [not null, unsigned, default: 0]
    total_price bigint [not null, unsigned, default: 0]

Table sales_order_line_items {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    sales_order_id varchar [not null, ref: > sales_orders.id]
    product_id varchar [not null]
    name varchar [not null]
    sku varchar [null]
    price bigint [not null, unsigned]
    quantity bigint [not null, unsigned]
    total_price bigint [not null, unsigned]

Table carts {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    user_id varchar [not null, ref: > users.id]
    quantity bigint [not null, unsigned, default: 0]
    total_price bigint [not null, unsigned, default: 0]

Table cart_line_items {
    id varchar [not null, pk] // uuid
    created_at timestamp [not null, default: `now()`]
    updated_at timestamp [not null, default: `now() ON UPDATE now()`]
    cart_id varchar [not null, ref: > carts.id]
    product_id varchar [not null]
    name varchar [not null]
    sku varchar [null]
    price bigint [not null, unsigned]
    quantity bigint [not null, unsigned]
    total_price bigint [not null, unsigned]