
This project is a demo application that implements a Blue/Green deployment with ECS External Deploy Controller using AWS Step Functions.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Demo : ECS Blue/Green Deploy with External Deploy Controller using AWS Step Functions

日本語の情報(for Japanese)

This project is a demo application that implements a Blue/Green deployment with ECS External Deploy Controller using AWS Step Functions.

Table of Contents


CodeDeploy has capability Blue/Green deployment for Amazon ECS and we can set up CI/CD pipeline also with CodePipeline. The CodeDeploy B/G deployment allows testing in a Green environment before production release. However, the test period is only 2 days. If we want to test longer term than it, we can build custom B/G deployment using ECS External Deploy Controller. This project is a demo application that implements B/G Deploy of ECS by External Deploy Controller using AWS Step Functions. The test period of the green environment will be kept until approved by manual approval in CodePipeline (up to 7 days).

B/G deploy demo overview

Demo app overview with animation

How to deploy

All resources for this project are provisioned by the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). If you have not installed the CDK, first install it by referring to this document.

The resources to be deployed are following architecture diagram.

Architecture diagram Icons for IAM Role, Subnets, Security Groups, NAT Gateway and so on are omitted.

1. Clone this project

git clone https://github.com/msysh/aws-demo-blue-green-deploy-with-external-deploy-controller.git

2. Deploy AWS resources by CDK

cd aws-demo-blue-green-deploy-with-external-deploy-controller
cdk deploy

After completion deployment, you can get following values. And then please note them.

  • CodeCommit repository URL
  • ECS Cluster name
  • ECS Service name
  • Web App URLs for production(:80) and test(:8080)

3. Update desired count for ECS Service

In case that deploying ECS Service with External Deployment, the desired-count need to be set 0. Therefore, the desired count is increased to 1 at this time after deployment is complete.

aws ecs update-service --cluster ${EcsClusterName} --service ${EcsServiceName} --desired-count 1

${EcsClusterName} and ${EcsServiceName} are able to get from CDK Output.

4. Add as CodeCommit repository

assets/demo-app-repository is git repository for demo. Set up it as git repository.

cd ./assets/demo-app-repository/
git init
git remote add origin ${CodeCommitRepositoryUrl} -m main

${CodeCommitRepositoryUrl} is able to get from CDK Output.

How to play as demonstration

1. Push demo app for first commit

cd assets/demo-app-repository/
git status
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git push origin main

If you can not push to repository, please check the documentation.

2. Pipeline is triggered

Push commit to the repository, then the pipeline is triggered. There are some stages that 1)Build app, 2)Build image, 3)Prepare input for state machine, and 4)Deploy to green environment. These stages are completed and then you may test in a Green environment.

curl -X GET http://${AlbTestDns}:8080/

${AlbTestDns} is able to get from CDK Output.

At this point, the pipeline is waiting for manual approval to swap Blue/Green.

3. Approve to swap B/G

Access AWS Management Console and open CodePipeline, and then approve to swap B/G.

4. Swap B/G

The pipeline invoke a state machine to swap B/G. It is completed then you may access web app as production.

curl -X GET http://${AlbProdDns}/

${AlbProdDns} is able to get from CDK Output.

At this point, the pipeline is waiting for manual approval to clean up.

5. Approve to clean up

Access AWS Management Console and open CodePipeline, and then approve to clean up.

6. Clean up

The pipeline invoke state machine to clean up. It is completed then you will no longer be able to access the test environment and the old production environment will be deleted.

7. Deploy new revision

If you want update app and deploy new revision, you can perform following.

cd assets/demo-app-repository/
sed -i s/background-color:\ \#99c/background-color:\ \#9c9/ index.html

# If you use MacOS, following command
# sed -i '' s/background-color:\ \#99c/background-color:\ \#9c9/ index.html

Change background color from blue to green.

And commit changes and push.

git add .
git commit -m "change background color"
git push origin main

The procedure thereafter is the same as from step 2 above.

Dive Deep CodePipeline Flow

The pipeline flow is following diagram.

Pipeline flow diagram

CodeBuild for Build App

This stage simply embeds the commit ID and build date in the index.html file.

CodeBuild for Build Image

This stage installs the HTML file from the previous stage output into the Nginx container, creates a container image with a Dockerfile, and pushes it to the ECR.

CodeBuild for Prepare Input

This stage creates a JSON file for the input of the next Step Functions State Machine. The ECS cluster name, ECS service name, ALB Listener ARN, etc. are set as environment variables by CDK in the build project.

State Machine Stage for Deploy Green Environment

This stage is a state machine of AWS Step Functions. The flow diagram is following.

State machine flow for deployment Green

As a major part, invoke following API by SDK.

  • Create an ECS Task Set by ecs:CreateTaskSet
  • Create a Target Group by elbv2:CreateTargetGroup
  • Modify a Listener Rule for Test environment by elbv2:ModifyRule

And definitions are following.

State Machine Stage for Swap

This stage is state machine of AWS Step Functions. The flow diagram is following.

State machine flow for swap B/G

As a major part, invoke following API by SDK.

  • Modify a Listener Rule for Production environment by elbv2:ModifyRule
  • Change Task Set status from Active to Primary by ecs:UpdateServicePrimaryTaskSet

And definitions are following.

State Machine Stage for Clean up

This stage is state machine of AWS Step Functions. The flow diagram is following.

State machine flow for clean up

As a major part, invoke following API by SDK.

  • Modify a Listener Rule for Test environment by elbv2:ModifyRule
  • Delete Task Set by ecs:DeleteTaskSet
  • Delete Target Group by elbv2:DeleteTargetGroup

And definitions are following.


Clean up

Some resources in this project will be charged by time, so if you no longer need them, please remove them.

Terminate ECS Tasks

aws ecs update-service --cluster ${EcsClusterName} --service ${EcsServiceName} --desired-count 0

${EcsClusterName} and ${EcsServiceName} are able to get from CDK Output.

And remove resources by CDK.

cd ${ThisProjectRoot}
cdk destroy

And following resources:

  • ECR repository. Repository Uri is able to get as EcrRepositoryUri from CDK Output.
  • S3 bucket for artifacts. S3 Bucket Name is able to get as ArtifactBucketName from CDK Output.
  • Target Groups. They are named tg-{shortened ECS Service name}-{First 15 characters of Commit ID}
