
Command line Python script for downloading a file via HTTP protocol from a (or multiple) URL resource(s) in multiple parts.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Multisouce downloader

Command line script for downloading a file via HTTP protocol from a (or multiple) URL resource(s) in multiple parts.

Python 3.9.7 + asyncio + aiohttp


Clone repo to a local environment.

Check/run deploy.sh: get requirements, check inputs (or go with defaults), deploy.

$python3 multisource_downloader.py

  • default inputs are set to:
    • url to publicly hosted file (~70MB)
    • async multipart download
      • 8 parts
    • download saved to local directory


Core inputs are hardcoded in multisource_downloader.py as:

  • number_sources
    • number of sections into which the file should be split (if range downloads are permitted, else will be set to 1)
  • url
    • demo: identifies a ~70 MB .mov file hosted on github


The test file has a (weak) ETag.

  • validate_etag() cycles through hashlib algorithms applied to the downloaded binary data
    • no checksum match identified via hashlib library


  • track down details of github's etag-generation protocol


TODO Current tests not included (patchy) - to be updated.