
experimental rewrite of vim-pandoc

Primary LanguageVim Script

        _   __,   _  _  _▎_  __   _  _    __▎   __   __ 
      ▎/ \_/  ▎  / ▎/ ▎  ▎  /  \_/ ▎/ ▎  /  ▎  /  \_/
      ▎__/ \_/▎_/  ▎  ▎_/▎_/\__/   ▎  ▎_/\_/▎_/\__/ \___/


Experimental writer plugin for vim (heavily rearchitecured vim-pandoc).

Features (Implemented or Planed)

  • Modular architecure. (I)
  • Support for vim-pandoc style executors. (I)
  • pandoc-markdown syntax can be used only for certain file extensions, instead of being the default for all pandoc-supported file formats, as a side effect you can use pantondoc with textile and restructuredText files. (I)
  • Expanded support for working with bibliographies. (I, partially) Aditional information on the bibliography items can be gathered from tooltips, where supported.
  • Annotations: add metadata to your files (comments, TODOs, etc.) (P)
  • Table management. (P)