
A web application where clients can book appointment for lawyers.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A Django project that illustrates the implementation of apppointment booking for lawyers.



Important Package Versions

  • python==3.7
  • Django==3.1
  • django-allauth==0.42.0
  • django-crispy-forms==1.9.2
  • django-cleanup==5.0.0
  • django-multiselectfield==0.1.12
  • django-countries==7.0
  • mdb==4.19.1
  • bootstrap==4
  • django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus==3.0.5
  • cloudinary==1.24.0
  • django-cloudinary-storage==0.3.0
  • django-money==1.2.2

Other Important Packages

  • psycopg2 - for managing postgres db
  • dj-database-url - for postgres db url
  • gunicorn - for running python server in heroku
  • whitenoise - to server static files by running collecstatic in heroku
  • django-cleanup - to delete files when user updates a filefield
  • django-multiselectfield - to allow users select multiple choices
  • django-countries - to show countries as dropdown list
  • django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus - used for datepicker and timepicker
  • cloudinary and django-cloudinary-storage - to store media files
  • django-money - for currency management

Getting Started

Create and activate virtual env with Miniconda and install dependencies.

conda create --name law python=3.7
conda activate mut
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the Server

Navigate inside directory src.

python manage.py runserver

Changing Project Name



# Syntax: python manage.py rename <present_project_name> <new_project_name>
python manage.py rename current_project my_project

Generating SECRET_KEY

Method 1

python manage.py shell
from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key


Method 2

python -c "from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key; print(get_random_secret_key())"

User Types

A company having 3 types of users: Lawyer, Customer, and Manager.

allauth has default SignupForm, SignupView. Do not override it. Let it be remain at accounts/signup. And do not change the signup form in the settings.py for allauth - it will override the save method and won't allow our employee and manager signup views to save anything extra.

We have customized the following files for the tasks below. users/forms/, users/views/, templates/users

  1. Lawyer Create custom signup form for lawyer. Create custom signup view for lawyer. You must use a custom template in this signup view.

  2. Customer Create custom signup form for customer. Create custom signup view for customer. You must use a custom template in this signup view.

  3. Managers are created internally from admin panel.


  • Appointment Acceptance
    • Only the lawyer can accept the appointment
  • Appointment Cancellation
    • Customer, Lawyer, or Manager can cancel an appointment at any time.


Boostrap 4.5.3 is used for frontend. Link

Design of base.html It was designed with the index.html file from mbd4 and allauth base.html.

Integrate Bootstrap with all the html files inside templates/account. The account folder is downloaded from the template directory of allauth github repository.

Deletion of Files Changed by the User

You use django-cleanup to remove files when user updates a filefiled. Link Files used in defaults won't get deleted.

You can also use django-unused-media when you already have junk files. Link This is a command line tool that can delete unused files.

Important Notes


In the database, you must rename the site to include your site_name in emails. You must change the default email_confirmation_subject. Changing a little bit will be enough. Otherwise it will add [example.com] in the subject.

'src/templates/account/email/email_confirmation_subject.txt' Default: Please Confirm Your E-mail Address Customized: Please Confirm The E-mail Address

Solution to Heroku Internal Server Error 500 on Sending Email using Gmail SMTP

Best Solution to Heroku Internal Server Error 500 on Sending Email using Gmail SMTP

  • Activate 2 Factor Authentication in your Google account.
  • Create an app password for mail. You'll get a 15 digit code. Add it in the place of password in the env.
  • Option for creating app password is available after the activation of 2 Factor Authentication.

Internal Server Error 500

  • Make sure you have added the domain in the ALLOWED_HOSTS of settings/production.py
  • If you want to see the DEBUG information while in production, set PRO_DEBUG = True in env.
  • The resize_image() function can cause Internal Server Error 500. Just comment that line, run the server once, create a user, and then you can uncomment it. It won't cause problem anymore. The exact reason of this bug is unknown.
  • If appointment booking confirmation email or another email is not being sent, allow Display Unlock Captcha once again.
  • Make sure you have kept the user_pro_pic inside the media/APP_NAME/defaults/img/user_pro_pic.jpg in the Cloudinary.


If you run 'python manage.py collectstatic', it will collect the static files of all associated apps and save it in a directory named 'static'. You can delete this directory anytime. Our static files are save in directory named 'static_files'.

Solution to Cloud Migration Not Taking Place from Local Machine

  • Reason: Project is not Taking Environment Variable from System.
  • Solution: Terminal needs to be restarted after updating the environment variables in Windows. If you are using vscode, open a new terminal or restart the vscode to take the updated environment variables from the system.

Production Status

Is the project production ready? Yes
