Rails Scaffolded API for React Inventory Manager

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails API for Inventory Management System


This is a Rails API for a an inventory management system with a React front end. The API features token based authentication along with endpoints to create users, products and orders.

Installation Instructions

  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/mtallentb/INVENTORY_RAILS_API.git
  3. bundle install
  4. rails db:migrate
  5. rails db:seed
  6. rails s

You should now be able to access the API at you local domain. (example: http://localhost:3000)

Token Based Authentication

Create Account to Receive a Token

POST the following object to the /users endpoint:

    first_name: <ENTER FIRST NAME>,
    last_name: <ENTER LAST NAME>,
    email: <EMAIL>,
    password: <PASSWORD>,
    password_confirmation: <PASSWORD CONFIRMATION>

The response will contain an auth_token.

Log in to Receive Token

POST the following object to the /authenticate endpoint.

    email: <EMAIL>,
    password: <PASSWORD>

The response will contain the auth_token.

Using the Token

Use the auth token in the Authorization header of your API calls.


         orders GET    /orders(.:format)               orders#index
                POST   /orders(.:format)               orders#create
          order GET    /orders/:id(.:format)           orders#show
                PATCH  /orders/:id(.:format)           orders#update
                PUT    /orders/:id(.:format)           orders#update
                DELETE /orders/:id(.:format)           orders#destroy
          users GET    /users(.:format)                users#index
                POST   /users(.:format)                users#create
        user GET    /users/:id(.:format)            users#show
                PATCH  /users/:id(.:format)            users#update
                PUT    /users/:id(.:format)            users#update
                DELETE /users/:id(.:format)            users#destroy
     categories GET    /categories(.:format)           categories#index
                POST   /categories(.:format)           categories#create
       category GET    /categories/:id(.:format)       categories#show
                PATCH  /categories/:id(.:format)       categories#update
                PUT    /categories/:id(.:format)       categories#update
                DELETE /categories/:id(.:format)       categories#destroy
       products GET    /products(.:format)             products#index
                POST   /products(.:format)             products#create
        product GET    /products/:id(.:format)         products#show
                PATCH  /products/:id(.:format)         products#update
                PUT    /products/:id(.:format)         products#update
                DELETE /products/:id(.:format)         products#destroy
order_line_items GET    /order_line_items(.:format)     order_line_items#index
                POST   /order_line_items(.:format)     order_line_items#create
order_line_item GET    /order_line_items/:id(.:format) order_line_items#show
                PATCH  /order_line_items/:id(.:format) order_line_items#update
                PUT    /order_line_items/:id(.:format) order_line_items#update
                DELETE /order_line_items/:id(.:format) order_line_items#destroy
         logout DELETE /logout(.:format)               authentication#destroy
   authenticate POST   /authenticate(.:format)         authentication#authenticate


Rails 5.1.4

gem install rails

Check rails --version to see if it is installed.


brew install postgresql

Tech Stack


Matt Brown