Rails app to import CSV files and display data

This Ruby on Rails app imports data from CSV files and displays them into tables and JSON format.


There exists 3 tables Events with Columns: id, name, location, price, date People with Columns: id, first_name, last_name, email, gender, city, street, state, country, language, birthdate Attendance with Columns: person_id, event_id


Event controller was the only one used due to the simplicity of this model.


Only two views exist, the main '/' and '/event/#'. Anything else redirects to '/'.


You can submit a GET request to '/event/#.json' to get a JSON Response of attendees of a specific event.


To create an app similar to this, follow these steps:

  1. Gem install rails

  2. Rails new Event --database=postgresql

  3. Rails g controller event

    a. Create a home.html.erb file in /Events/app/views/event/

    b. Edit /Events/config/routes.rb with root 'event#home'

  4. rails g model Event name:string location:string price:string date:date

  5. rails g model Person first_name:string last_name:string email:string gender:string city:string city:string street:string state:string country:string language:string birthdate:string

  6. rails g model Attendance event:references person:references

  7. Edit database.yml a. Added template: template0 to the default setup

  8. Rake db:create

  9. Rake db:migrate

  10. Create your views, controllers, and routes. Add any migrations if you need to edit the model.

  11. rails s -p $PORT -b $IP