Janac Meena Mark Tamer Adnan Khan
Me and my teamates made a web app called Simplist.This was Client Server UOttawa Project. It's pretty much a ToDo list web application that allows you add task and take off task using Get/Post/Delete Request using Restful API. To be able to run this you will need to run this on a server since every task you add and delete stays in the "cloud". So pretty much if you add/delete/post a task and open up another browser on the same computer or different PC using the same host name you will see the added/post/deleted task.
Course: SEG2105 Date: 30 November 2013
/static index.html ----this contains the html for the ui pencil.png ----image for the ui style.css ----the css for the ui todolist-js.js ----the computing logic for the client
test.py ----this is to test the webserver and check localhost
todolist.py ----the computing logic for the webserver to handle restful resources
/venv ----this contains all the dependencies for the webserver
<td>retrieve list of tasks</td>
<td>retrieve a task</td>
<td>create a new task</td>
<td>delete a task</td>
method | uri | what it do |