
A Google Script to export Google Spreadsheets as JSON and upload them to AWS S3

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google Spreasheet -> JSON -> S3 bucket

A Google Script to export Google Spreadsheets as JSON and upload them to AWS S3


  1. Spreadsheet menu: "Tools" > "Script Editor"
  2. Add the 3 files and save
  3. Reload spreadsheet


  1. AWS IAM credentials for an S3 bucket
  2. Spreadsheet menu: "Datahub" > "Configuration" > "Set Configuration"
  3. Enter Access key, Secret key, bucket name, bucket path (project name)
  4. Spreadsheet menu: "Datahub" > "Export sheet as json"
  5. Check bucket for file


  • Normalize column names (camelcase, remove numbers)
  • Row value typing (numbers and booleans)
  • Better config UI (sidebar)
  • Archiving system (store and load(?) previous pushed versions)