it works from version 20 to 21 (actually)

Take from:

And Update to the latest version and works with Content-Type: application/json

How to Install:

  1. Locate The Ejabberd-contrib-module on your system:
    • some examples of where it might be found are:
      • if you installed ejabberd from the github repository or the website:
        • /opt/ejabberd-19.02/.ejabberd-module/
      • If you installed Ejabberd via the RPM or APT package:
        • /var/lib/ejabberd/.ejabberd-modules/

        • NOTE: If you installed ejabberd from the package manager of your linux architecture (RPM, APT ...) and you cannot get the folder, you must do some extra steps:

          1. Install the ejabberd-contrib-module package:
            • on Debian/Ubuntu:
              • sudo apt-get install ejabberd-contrib
          2. then you must install any package so that the folder is created for you, I recommend you follow this tutorial, which is extremely simple
  2. Enter to the source directory and make git clone of the repository:
root@server:/var/lib/ejabberd/.ejabberd-modules/sources/# git clone 
  1. install module:

    • if you installed ejabberd from the github repository or the website:
    root@server:opt/ejabberd-19.02/.ejabberd-module/bin/# ejabberdctl module_install mod_offline_http_post
    • If you installed Ejabberd via the RPM or APT package:
    root@server:~# ejabberdctl module_install mod_offline_http_post
  2. restart ejabberd

NOTE: If you have problems installing since it appears that you cannot create or write a file in the ebin folder, simply in the folder that we have cloned we create the ebin folder and we give it permissions that anyone can create / modify it:

sudo chmod a+rwx ebin/