
Some random scripts

Primary LanguagePython

Random scripts and stuff

  • Python

    • ipinfo.py

      Small script to get location info based on IP or domain. It also can list IP-addresses of country (info is based on http://ipdeny.com) when given Country Code as argument.

    • servermonitor.py

      Server monitoring script which informs issues to Administrator via email

    • geoping.py

      Ping multiple hosts and draw map where hosts are marked with red and green plots based on their up/down status.

    • input_2_3.py

      Get user input in both python 2 and python 3 with same function.

    • pydump.py

      Simple scapy based packet_analyzer.

    • sweep.py

      Fast ping sweep.

    • netdrivemon.py

      Check if mapped network drive (e.g. webdav) is connected fine and re-map if it's not.

    • backup.py

      Backup script that takes two arguments: source and destination. It checks if source and destination have sove differing files and then copys those to destination. BAsically this is wrapper for few robocopy and xcopy commands.

  • Android

    • package_name.sh

      Get package name of app.

    • send_sms.sh

      Send sms messages through terminal.

  • Bash

    • arch_installs.sh

      Install pre listed packets and yaourt installation function.

    • lanmap.sh

      Simple LAN-network mapper.

    • netmon.sh

      Script observes Internet connection status and logs if there is downtime.

    • sysinfo.sh

      Get info of your system through simple menu.

    • termbin.sh

      Send texts to termbin.com(pastebin like site) and retrieve link to it.

    • time.sh

      Simple netcat based time display service.

    • www.sh

      Wrapper for making quick netcat web server.