

Primary LanguageShell

Role | duplicity-ansible

Ansible role to deploy duplicity backups using ansible.


  • backup_destination

Destination for backups. Currently I have only tested file:// backend but technically other backends are supported as well. There just isn't automated deployment for additional things that other backends might need (ssh keys for example).

backup_destination: "file:///srv/backups/"
  • backup_sources

List of paths that should be backed up.

  - '/etc/'
  • gpg_encrypt (boolean)

Enable or disable encryption.

gpg_encrypt: false
  • gpg_backup_homedir

Path to GPG homedirectory. Used only when gpg_encrypt is enabled. The path and keyring does not need to exist beforehand

gpg_backup_homedir: '/root/.backup_gpg'
  • gpg_encrypt_key_local_path

Local path to puclic GPG key that is used to encrypt backups. Only used when gpg_encrypt is enabled.

gpg_encrypt_key_local_path: 'files/enc.key.pub'


  • Add support for SSH keys setup with, for example, with .ssh/config
  • Test usage of some backends that use ssh connection