
Data manipulation tools using python/pandas applied to Etabs output excel tables

Primary LanguagePython


Data manipulation tools using python/pandas applied to Etabs exported excel tables


To leverage python data analysis tools to extract organised information from exported Etabs tables (in Excel format).

1.0 Punching Shear Loads Scripts

Outputs an Excel Table with Punching Shear loads by Column Label and by floor

SlabPunShearLoad_rev1.py (main script) - Reads Excel tables exported from Etabs and runs GetAxialForceDiff.py script for each floor for punching shear load; runs also for just one floor models

GetAxialForceDiff_rev4.py (function definition) - Gets column axial force difference between two story levels (punching shear for slab)

2.0 Column Design Scripts

ColumnRebarPercentage.py - Gets rebar percentage for all rectangular RC column sizes in a model

3.0 Beam Design Scripts

Reads Excel tables exported from Etabs and Outputs an Excel Table with flexural rebar reinforcement capacity utilization information for one beam.

  1. BeamAnalysisAndDesign_rev2.py (main script) - Reads Excel tables exported from Etabs and Outputs an Excel Table with flexural rebar reinforcement capacity utilization information for one beam.
    • 3.1 ImportExcelTables.py - Imports Excel tables exported from Etabs
    • 3.2 BeamForces_rev7.py - gets beam internal forces from Etabs table - 3.2.1 find_nearest.py - gets Etabs beam station nearest to station user inputs - 3.2.2 MaxBeamForces_rev1.py -