
This is tool for making quick private note.

Primary LanguagePython

My Standard Library

This is tool for making quick private note.

There is a timeing to notice a idea, but I need to open the note app for makeing private note.

Almost app required me to change working app.

It is uncomfortable for me, because it mean stop the progress.

I want to make note on command line quicker.

This tool can so.


if you want to use this app, your computer required install python3. (Python3.6 is good, because I use this app on Python3.6)

install command is Next

$ git clone git@github.com:mtb-beta/msl.git
$ cd msl
$ pip install -e .



create note. next command is open the note by editor(vim only now).

$ msl

create note create on the setting path.

I recommend to change the setting path to share path(for example Dropbox path). Then you can see the note from another machine.


list note. next command display notes.

$ msl list
xxxxxxx: test1
xxxxxx1: test2
xxxxxx2: test3

xxxxxxx is note id. note id is created, when you create note. this id can not change.


you can see the note by next command.

$ msl cat xxxxxxx

xxxxxxx is note id. msl exec cat command with path by search from note id.


you can edit the note by next command.

$ msl xxxxxxx