
Temperature and Humidity Monitor with the Raspberry PI Pico W

Primary LanguagePython


Uses a Raspberry PI Pico W with a Pimoroni BME 680 to push temperature and humidity readings Adafruit IO

Install on the Pico W

  1. Flash the attached Pimoroni MicroPython library to the PI Pico W (pimoroni-picow-v1.19.6-micropython.uf2).
  2. Update the secrets.py file with the correct wifi ssid and password.
  3. Update the secrets.py file with the io.adafruit.com username and api key.
  4. Use rshell to copy all the python code to the pico.

Run the Pico W

After the Pico W is flashed with Pimoroni's MicroPython and the Python code just add power and it should run. When the Pico W is taking a reading and pushing the data the LED will be on. If the LED is blinking rapidly an Exception was raised. Use rshell to check the contents of the error.txt file for the exception message. Exceptions when pushing metrics are ignored.

Useful links

  • Start: % rshell
  • Copy file: rshell> cp humid_mon.py /pyboard/humid_mon.py
  • Start repl: rshell> repl
  • Start program from repl: CTRL-D
  • Stop from program from repl: CTRL-C
  • Exit repl: CTRL-X
  • Exit rshell: CTRL-D


Not in anyway related to the amazing Vulfmon.