
Development environment using Ansible

MIT LicenseMIT

Local development environment services

This repository uses ansible to configure my local development environment to the following specifications:

  • Nginx
  • PHP 7.1
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Other utilities (composer, supervisor etc)

Running ansible

Run the following command to get ansible working away: ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts --ask-become-pass

Nginx configuration

I have configured Nginx to run serve all *.dev domains. To host a new site you should place the site directory (or symlink to the public directory) in your ~/Sites/ directory. Dnsmasq is installed and configured to catch all *.dev domains and pass the requests to the local nginx server using the name of your directory.

For example, if you have a directory called ~/Sites/test-site. This site will be accessible through http://test-site.dev without the need to change any nginx config.

Nginx is setup to accept HTTP and HTTPS/2 requests.

I would suggest following my directory structure, where all directories inside ~/Sites are a symlink to the public directory of the repository somewhere else on my filesystem, i.e. ~/Github/itsmattburgess/test-site for maximum flexibility.