
Projeto composto por código para criação de uma base de dados de notícias

Primary LanguagePython

another news web crawler

  1. Prerequisites
  • MySQL with an empty database
  • Latest Python version with pip
  1. Explaining each project folder
  • news-crawler: contains all scripts required to crawl news sites, that also (optionally) creates the database schema automatically
  • news-schema: contains the schema structure, useful by creating the tables not using the crawler script (but creates the same structure)
  • news-utils: contains scripts that reads the news database to output data in other formats
  1. How to run scripts inside each project folder

    1. news-crawler:
    • First, install the necessary files to run the Python scripts for this project: pip install -r requirements.txt

    • Add in the script crawler.py the sources that you want to crawl, in the sources array, and define the language of your scripts:

      language = 'pt'
      sources = [
      'https://noticias.uol.com.br/', # add here more sources 
    • Available languages are:

       code            language
       ar              Arabic
       ru              Russian
       nl              Dutch
       de              German
       en              English
       es              Spanish
       fr              French
       he              Hebrew
       it              Italian
       ko              Korean
       no              Norwegian
       fa              Persian
       pl              Polish
       pt              Portuguese
       sv              Swedish
       hu              Hungarian
       fi              Finnish
       da              Danish
       zh              Chinese
       id              Indonesian
       vi              Vietnamese
       sw              Swahili
       tr              Turkish
       el              Greek
       uk              Ukrainian
    • Then, run the crawler.py script respecting the flags:

      python crawler.py [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--usr USR] [--pwd PWD] [--db DB] [--debug DEBUG] [--tables TABLES]
    • Flags: host is the name or ip of the host that contains the mysql database port is the port of the host that contains the mysql database usr is the user that have the permission to access the mysql database pwd is the password of the user that have the permission to access the mysql database db is the name of the database already created and that have or not the structure to store the news crawled data debug is a flag (True/False) that you pass to see or not the commands that the script is sending to the database tables is a flag (True/False) that defines if you want the script to create or not the structure in the database related to the news crawled data (the created schema is described in news-schema section)

    • To stop it, press Ctrl + v

    1. news-schema:
    • The tables that are created are described in the following image:


    • To create the database on the terminal, run the following command: mysql -u <username> -p -h <host> -P <port> <database> << <project_path>\news-schema\mysql.sql

    • Type the password and wait until the process finishes successfully

    1. news-utils:
    • database2excel.py: script to export columns of the database to excel

    • Change the values referring to the database connection within the following block of code inside the script:

      cnx = mysql.connector.connect(
    • If necessary, change the values that you want to export by making a query with reference to those values in the following code block inside the script

      query = ("select article_id, title, meta_description," + 
              "summary, text, url_news, url_source_news from article;")
    • Run the export script: python database2excel.py

    • A file named news.xlsx will be created inside the same folder that contains the database2excel.py script