
Tips in Golang programming

Primary LanguageGo


Tips in Golang programming

Go design


The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes I’ve Seen in Go Projects

Go Architecture

Những nguyên lý thiết kế app trên ngôn ngữ Golang:

Hexagonal Architecture in Go

Đọc cơ bản về kiến trúc lục giác (Hexagonal), còn gọi là kiến trúc Ports and Adapter trong link

Hexagonal Architecture in Go

Hexagonal Architecture in Go

Nên tuân thủ 1 số Pattern:

Golang Concepts


Auto-Scaling and Self-Defensive Services in Golang


Server-Side Tracking Without Cookies In Go


Understanding Go Lang Memory Usage


Integration of a Go service with systemd

1, 2

Internet of Things (IoT)

Simple IoT Messages Delivery With GoLang



Golang Powered Robotics

https://gobot.io/: Gobot is a framework for robots, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT), written in the Go programming language

Tiền điện tử


Best Golang Books

  • The Go Programming Language (advanced programmers)

This is maybe one of the most complete books about go language. It covers the basics and then goes deeper in lower levels. The downside of this book is that it don’t cover the higher level of the language, like web. If you want to master this language it’s a good choice to buy.

  • Go in Practice: Includes 70 Techniques

It approaches a more higher level of this language but also gives good foundations to be a go programmer. It covers web applications development, micro services and even deployment. A good solution for the developer that want to use go for webapplications.

  • Go Web Programming

This book is more oriented and specific to web development. If you intend to build apis, develop full stack applications and understand how go fits exactly in this world, this book is an excellent choice. If you want to master web development this is the book.

  • Concurrency in Go: Tools and Techniques for Developers

Concurrency is one of the most appealing features in go. Although the simplicity of concurrency primitives in go, building more complex things requires some knowledge and practice. If you want to master concurrency go for this one.

  • Go Programming Blueprints — Second Edition

For me this is the go programming bible. If you read this book, you will have the necessary tool to build massive applications with go. Besides that, Mat Ryer is one of the most enthusiastic voices in go community.


Companies Using Golang by Domain — Golang Use Cases

Generated awesomeness

[Collection of useful resources on Bioinformatics, data science, machine learning, programming language (Python, Golang, R, Perl, etc.) and miscellaneous stuff.] (https://github.com/shenwei356/awesome)

Awesome Go


Golang Libraries


Awesome Go performance


Awesome Go Tools


Golang Web Scraping


How Golang is Used for Web Scraping with Concurrency?

algorithms with golang solution


awesome libraries for golang, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance)


Golang Courses

9 Best Golang Programming Courses for Beginners to Learn in 2022

Dạy Golang bằng tiếng Việt


Secure Coding
