
Blockchain developers

Blockchain developers.

Developers will likely have the greatest career opportunities in the nascent blockchain field; financial services, governments and tech companies are all seeking to find ways blockchain can better serve their clients.

Technology skills needed as a developer include: Microsoft SQL Server, Visual Studio, .NET, MVC, AJAX, SQL, C, C++, C#, Javascript, Node.js, JQuery, SOAP, REST, FTP, HTML, XML, XSLT, XCOD, Neural-networks, Regression, Agile Scrum, MYSQL.

Blockchain engineer

This job envisions understanding a company's tech needs and create the blockchain apps that address those needs.

"You may work on implementing assets and accelerators; set up company infrastructure to use Ethereum and bitcoin, and may analyze code and organizer blockchain programming training for new employees" Steele wrote.

Blockchain engineers should have a high level of skill in: Java, Hyperledger Fabric, Ripple, Solidity, Python, bitcoin, Oracle Identity, as well as access management solutions.

Blockchain Course


1. Blockchain Specialization

blockchain: a revolutionary technology that enables peer-to-peer transfer of digital assets without any intermediaries

1.1. Blockchain Basics

  • concepts of blockchain technology
+ 1. by initially exploring the Bitcoin protocol followed by the Ethereum protocol
  • Blockchain Defined: define blockchain, explain the structure and operational aspects of Bitcoin blockchain, and compare different types of blockchains.
+ Blockchain Defined: Bitcoin & Blockchain
+ Blockchain Structure
+ Basic Operations
+ Beyond Bitcoin
  • Ethereum blockchain:
+ protocol
+ explore the payment model for code execution.
+ Ethereum Blockchain: Smart Contracts
+ Ethereum Structure
+ Ethereum Operations
+ Incentive Model
  • Algorithms & Techniques
+ concept: asymmetric key encryption, hashing
+ explain techniques that use algorithms to manage the integrity of transactions and blocks in blockchain.
+ Public-Key Cryptography
+ Transaction Integrity
+ Securing Blockchain
  • Trust Essentials:
+ Trust Essentials: Decentralized Systems
+ Consensus Protocol
+ Practitioner's Perspective: Decentralized Governance
+ Robustness
+ Forks

1.2. smart contracts

  • Smart Contract Basics: Why Smart Contracts
  • Smart Contracts Defined
  • Processing Smart Contracts
  • structure and basic concepts of a smart contract
  • Remix ( web IDE for deploying and interacting with a smart contract.
  • Updated Smart contracts:
  • Deploying Smart Contracts
  • Solidity: a high-level language that is a combination of Javascript, Java and C++.
+ Structure
  • Data Types
- Basic & Statements
- Bidder Data
- Specific
- Structures 
- Access Modifiers

1.3. decentralized applications (Dapps)

  • notion of the blockchain server (is the foundation for a Decentralized Application)
+  install the blockchain server 
+  establish a peer-to-peer network of nodes. 
  • Dapp Defined
  • Ethereum APIs
  • Truffle Tool: developing and testing a Dapp.
+ Truffle IDE
+ Know Truffle commands 
+ Test-Driven Development
+ Web Interface & Testing: Front-End & Meta-mask
+ Design: Solidity Features, Event handling.
  • Dapp Models & Dapp Standards

1.4. Blockchain Platforms: blockchain ecosystem.

  • The Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Fabric
- Hyperledger
- Fabric
- Composer
  • Microsoft Azure’s Blockchain as a Service.
  • Decentralized Applications Platforms: Augur and Grid+
  • Alternative Decentralized Solutions:
 + Interplanetary File System (IPFS) : aims to address the decentralized data storage problem
 + Hashgraph:  aims to solve the decentralized trust problem.
