
Generator Scaffolding for Laravel 5

Primary LanguagePHP

Mahana Generator Scaffolding

Generator Scaffolding for Laravel 5


PLEASE understand before commenting that this is working Proof of Concept code; it does work, but it is limited in the features it supports, still lacks testing, solid documentation, the code is overly simple, etc. This is put out to provide solid examples of how it will work in the end in order to solicit feedback.

If you have thoughts to share, please do so here: jrmadsen67#1

If you have definite "I will use this when it has feature X" comments, please go ahead and open a feature request.

Thank you for your time in helping to make this a great tool for everyone!

####What this is I intend to follow up with a blog post where I can get much wordier about how I imagine this being used and who I think it will most benefit. Essentially, it is a library that will convert a .yaml file into an array, then build out the various commandlines you would use with artisan to create boilerplate classes and migrations.

Unlike what exists in Laravel now, however, it is being designed to work with a variety of enhanced Generators and stubs to give you a much more customized and complete output than what can currently be achieved.

At the moment, it supports:

https://github.com/laracasts/Laravel-5-Generators-Extended (partial implementation for migrations)

https://github.com/jrmadsen67/mahana-laravel5-generators (enhanced Model generation)
native Laravel Controller generator 

Additional features are really little more than string parsing, so virtually anything that would be helpful can be added. I'm working furiously on them.


composer require --dev "jrmadsen67/mahana-generator-scaffolding":"dev-master@dev"

(If this does not load jrmadsen67/mahana-generator-scaffolding, jrmadsen67/mahana-laravel5-generators & laracasts/generators, try loading them separately. Still working out a few kinks)

Afterwards, in your AppServiceProvider, add:

public function register() {

	if ($this->app->environment() == 'local') {

The default for your generator configuration files is /scaffolding/genscaffolding.yml. You may run:

artisan vendor:publish --provider="jrmadsen67\MahanaScaffolding\MahanaScaffoldingServiceProvider" --tag="mahana-scaffolding"

to create a package config file called mahana-scaffolding.php, where you will see:

     return [
         'base_dir' => 'scaffolding',
         'files' => [
             'genscaffolding' => 'genscaffolding.yml'

The base_dir refers to the directory where you put all your own files; the files array is a list of those files, which will ALL be run (a future enhancement will allow you to specify a subset by key).

In addition, you may create your own stubs for the Mahana Generators and specify a particular stub file for each model.

DO NOT RUN THIS unless you then finish configuring your own .stub files

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="jrmadsen67\MahanaGenerators\GeneratorsServiceProvider" --tag="mahana-generators"

This will be better explained in the documentation shortly, but please understand that this is all that is required to use your own stubs, allowing you to do things like create a parent controller with children controllers and then actually generate based on those, different per item.


More complete documentation will be provided later. For the moment, because of the limited functionality, use the genscaffolding.yaml file in this repo as a working example file.

From the commandline,

`artisan mahana-scaffolding:generate`

will run the actual command to generate everything.

NOTE: There is no rollback functionality, and existing files will not be overwritten. For that reason, you may find it easiest to first commit your basic Laravel project to git, then run the generator. This way you can clean up by simply doing a git checkout .

NOTE: There is a known issue with not being able to customize increment fields or turn off timestamps in the migration files that I simply haven't had time to look into very deeply yet. It is an issue with Jeffrey Way's Generators and may require that I fork that package to fix.