iOS Enterprise Distribution P-List Generator

Since Xcode 6, enterprise distribution has no longer generated the required P-List for distributing your iOS application. This tool handles generating it for you, and can be easily used as part of your Continuous Integration process when automating builds.


All options can be provided directly when running the script. If the required arguments are not supplied, the script will prompt you to enter them.

  • title The title of your application for display on the install prompt. (ex. My Awesome App)
  • bundle-version The version of your application (ex. 1.0.0)
  • bundle-identifier The application's bundle identifier (ex. com.kylewbanks.AwesomeApp)
  • url The URL where the IPA will be hosted (ex.
  • output-file Where to output the P-List. (ex. ~/dist/AwesomeApp.plist) [Optional: By default, outputs to the console.]


Pass all arguments directly:

./ "My Awesome App" 1.0.0 com.kylewbanks.AwesomeApp ~/dist/AwesomeApp.plist

Allow the script to prompt:

title: My Awesome App
bundle-version: 1.0.0
bundle-identifier: com.kylewbanks.AwesomeApp