PyVexr is intended to be a lightweight, simple GUI application to preview your EXR files easily using the OCIO you want. Built using Python, C++, PyQt5, OpenCV2, OpenExr, and OCIO v2.
- Load multiple shots in the same timeline
- Scroll through multiple shots easily
- Playlist save and opening
- Add neighbouring shots to shots / playlists
- Multiple versions on each shot in order switch and compare them easily
- Easily Pan, Zoom, Mirror the image
- Visualize independently R/G/B/A channels
- Luminance view
- Layer contact sheet
- Toggle Layer contact sheet mode for frame scrolling
- Switch and visualize other channels in multilayered exrs
- Tweak exposition and saturation on the fly
- Direct .mp4 export from PyVexr, baking in your exposure / saturation tweaks, and your chosen OCIO
- Export single frame from PyVexr, with exposure, saturation, and OCIO baked
- Easily accessible OCIOs
- OCIO menu GUI
- AgX support, with its looks
- ACES P0, and ACES P1 support (could be better, for now use ACES official configs)
- Filmic support, with its looks
- Config.json to remember your favourite OCIO settings
- Buffer
- MultiThreading
- Buffer Menu
- Full Python code available
- Compiled versions
- Linux (Tested on Ubuntu)
- Windows
- Compiled versions
- Image support :
- Open EXR
- Need optimization for multilayered / multipart EXRs
- Jpeg/Jpg
- Png
- Tiff (16 bits not tested yet)
- .mov
- Need optimization
- .mp4
- Need optimization
- DPX 10 bits
- Open EXR
- C++ OpenExr backend
- C++ Multilayer exr optimizations
- Switch between movie and images if they exist in the same folder with the same naming
- Picker to get values from specific pixels
- Convenient command line mode to start the pyVexr with specific shots and OCIO
- Context Menu on right click to open with PyVexr directly in the explorer
If you want to build the python version in order to modify or plug it in and existing pipe, here's what you need:
* Python 3.7 +
* Cpp 11+
* PyQt5
* OpenCV2
* PyOpenColorIO
* OpenEXR
If you are not on a x64 linux distribution, the custom c++ python modules will not run, you will need to recompile the using the file in the cppModules folder Meanwhile, you can use the latest Windows compile release you can find on this github
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information
Teillet Martin -
Thanks to Dorian Douaud for making the PyVexr Logo
Thanks to Elsksa and MrLixm for their help and advices concerning OCIO handling
Thanks to Sacha Duru for his help regarding pyQt