
Packaging gitolite g3 into Debian based on the existing gitolite g2 package from Debian sid


This repository holds my personal packing of gitolite version 3 (g3) for Debian.

Therefore it merges the upstream work of


with the packaging work done in Debian at



You can also find a released version of the packages in source and binary form in my Ubuntu PPA.


The package (renamed to "gitolite3") can coexist with the official Debian package "gitolite" that contains the g2 version.

WARNING: If you come from version 2 of gitolite, beware that this package contains the version 3 which has been written from scratch and contains significant differences in the format and internal working. We strongly suggest to read the recent documentation at http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/index.html to get familiarized with the new design principles.

This package can coexist with and won't affect existing gitolite2 installations, however if you plan to migrate those repositories to g3, please be sure to read first the migration notes at http://sitaramc.github.com/gitolite/install.html#migr


The repository includes the following branches:

  • master

    Only basic documentation, README.md and the like.

  • miguel-debian

    "Debian branch" for git-buildpackage in Debian Sid. It starts in the "debian" branch of git.deb.at repo and has merged the new upstream content from the miguel-upstream branch.

  • miguel-upstream

    "Upstream branch" for git-buildpackage. It started in the "master" branch of git.deb.at (which follows g2 development in gitolite's upstream). After the split, I removed all its contents (git rm -rf .) and merged the new orphaned g3 branch from upstream. So now it follows upstream g3 development.

  • pristine-tar

    Branch used by git-buildpackage to reproduce the same .orig.tar.gz for the upstream versions.

  • miguel-squeeze

    A branch of miguel-debian for creating a Debian Squeeze package. So far there is no major difference between this branch and the Sid version.

  • miguel-lucid-ppa

    Similar to miguel-squeeze, this branch also originates in miguel-debian. It holds the package version that is placed in my PPA.

Changes done in packaging

Changes in the packaging way.

  • Rework debian/rules to use debhelper 7 facilities (dh * and .links, .docs files) rather than doing everything manually as it is done in the Debian package.

  • Using quilt-3.0 format with the "unapply-patches" local option (so that the patched changes don't mix with git). This means that any explicit mention of quilt dependency or patch/unpatch target rules have been removed.

  • Use git-buildpackage to manage upstream and debian branches as well as the patch generation with gbp-pq. I also make use of the pristine-tar functionality to rebuild the .orig.tar.gz.

    To make life easier I recommend using the following gbp.conf file (stored in the .git directory).

     # these are upstream and debian branches:
     # use pristine-tar:
     pristine-tar = True

    The README.source file contains more information about git-buildpackage workflows.

    You can find more info about git-buildpackage here.


  • Renaming source and binary package names from "gitolite" to "gitolite3" in order not to have conflicts with the official gitolite g2 package.

    See README.gitolite3_2_coexist for more info.

However the debconf work to do the setup phase of gitolite with dpkg-reconfigure remains the same albeit some minor adjustments.

Changes due to the version 3 of gitolite

  • All g2 content has been removed with a git rm -rf . in order to merge upstream's g3 branch.

  • gl-setup is now replaced by gitolite setup run by the gitolite user.

  • All Debian patches for version g2 are now of no use in g3.

  • The g3 install script has been patched with a fixed value for the VERSION file.


  • Generate html documentation from the .mkd files.

  • Fix all kinds of lintian errors still present.

  • Provide some tools for automatic g2 migration.