=== OA Jurytafel!


Use git-hub(ssh):

* install a version of node >= 12
* sudo npm -g install mtempels/jurytafel
* When installing as root, use the additional option --unsafe-perm
* optionally to create upstart/systemd service:
* sudo npm -g explore jurytafel -- npm run setup


in the config file you can edit the 3 urls to get the basic information from the raspberry's you also set the home and away teamname

  "serviceSettings": {
    "clientType": "https",
    "timeURL": "https://www.townsville.nl/oa/scorebord/time/",
    "scoreURL": "https://www.townsville.nl/oa/scorebord/score/",
    "shotclockURL": "https://www.townsville.nl/oa/shotclock/time/",
    "home": "THUIS",
    "guest": "GAST",
    "host": "",
    "port": 3000
  "logSettings": {
    "name": "jurytafel-server",
    "showName": true,
    "level": "debug",
    "console": {
      "colorize": true
    "file": {
      "path": "/tmp/jurytafel-server.log",
      "rollingFile": {
        "maxSize": 10000000,
        "maxFiles": 20