
Container to run a local test environment when making PRs or edits to the new OWASP website driven by Github pages / Jekyll

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Container to run a local test environment when making PRs or edits to the new OWASP website driven by Github pages / Jekyll


If you don't want to install Jekyll locally (and clutter up your file system) then this container allows a quick locally running instance of Jekyll setup for the new OWASP website. Additionally, it starts the Jekyll server with live reload enabled so changes to your files launches a new site build.


Simple container with everything needed to test a OWASP website before doing a PR.

Running the docker

The docker command below needs to be run from within the git repo you've cloned/forked so that the OWASP site content is in the current working directory:

docker run -it --rm --name owasp-test -v `pwd`:/opt/owasp-test/ -p 8888:80 mtesauro/owasp-test-site:0.1.0

Once the container is running, you can visit the site at http://localhost:8888/

If you don't want to pull the container from my Docker Hub repository, see "Building" below.

Errors while building site

Depending on your git workflow, you may encounter the error below while running the container:

Configuration file: /opt/owasp-test/_config.yml
             Source: /opt/owasp-test
        Destination: /opt/owasp-test/_site
  Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
       Remote Theme: Using theme owasp/www--site-theme
      Not Installed: No such file or directory - git
   Liquid Exception: No repo name found. Specify using PAGES_REPO_NWO environment variables, 'repository' in your configuration, or set up an 'origin' git remote pointing to your github.com repository. in /_layouts/col-sidebar.html
                     No repo name found. Specify using PAGES_REPO_NWO environment variables, 'repository' in your configuration, or set up an 'origin' git remote pointing to your github.com repository.

   Sometimes the site will fail to build
   When this happens, add a repository line
   like below to _config.yml
     'repository: "owasp/www-community"'

If you run into this error, it is generally solved by adding the repository option to _config.yml. For example, adding that to the OWASP Community pages repo would result in a _config.yml that looks like:

remote_theme: "owasp/www--site-theme@main"
repository: "owasp/www-community"
# core files/folders to exclude
 - README.md

 - jekyll-include-cache-0.2.0
 - jekyll-redirect-from

DO NOT ADD/COMMIT THE MODIFIED _config.yml with your changes


Clone this repo and use of the below commands.

docker build --no-cache -f ./owasp-test-site.dockerfile -t "owasp-test-site:0.1.1" .

If you like using ':latest' to keep from having to type the version label:

docker build --no-cache -f ./owasp-test-site.dockerfile -t "owasp-test-site:0.1.1" -t "owasp-test-site:latest" .
