
Quick Urban Analysis Kit

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Quick Urban Analysis Kit


Qua-Kit is a client-server system that aims at assisting urban designers in their design process. Try it on our web server at qua-kit.ethz.ch.

Qua-View (apps/hs/qua-view) is a WebGL-base browser viewer and editor for building geometry. It is based on Haskell GHCJS.

Luci (apps/java/luci2) is a lightweight middleware that allows to connect different urban computing services together and present their results in Qua-View.

Projects that are already in some git repositories can be added as git modules using git submodule add <repository> <path>.

Installation prerequisites


First, install JDK; we prefer java 8. Second, install maven.


To build and install (and run later) haskell applications use stack. Stack is a tool that installs for you haskell compilers (GHC), manages all package dependencies, and builds the projects.



Path: apps/hs/qua-view.

Client side of qua-kit. Browse the submodule for details.


Path: apps/hs/qua-server.

This app requires gd library at least (libgd-dev in Ubuntu). Follow error messages when installing to check if there are any other requirements. To build and run a particular app, use build and exec commands provided by stack. For example, to run qua-server you shoud:

stack build qua-server --flag qua-server:dev
stack exec qua-server

Flag qua-server:dev is needed to use sqlite database instead of postgresql Alternatively, you can use yesod-bin package to run it:

stack install yesod-bin
yesod devel


Path: apps/java/luci2. Given Java and maven are set up correctly, run Luci as follows:

cd apps/java/luci2
mvn clean install
mvn exec:java -pl scenario


Path: libs/hs/luci-connect. Luci-connect is a haskell library for clients and services of Luci. Refer to libs/hs/luci-connect/README.md for further documentation.


Some SQL queries become really slow when database grows (I have 1331 votes now). Having added couple indices speeds up "compare designs" query about 5-10x.

CREATE INDEX ON vote (better_id);
CREATE INDEX ON vote (worse_id);

Maybe a better solution is to make the request itself faster later, but for now it solved the problem.

Running luci service together with qua-kit and luci.

If you develop a luci (qua-view-compliant) service, at some point you need to test the whole system altogether. The framework consist of three parties: luci, qua-kit, and your service. So you need to run the three things, and then use the running website to execute your service.

  1. Compile and run luci.

  2. Compile and run qua-server.

  3. Compile and run your service connected to localhost luci. Alternatively, you can try dist-walls-service executable - it has been tested to work with current version of luci. It is available at libs/hs/luci-connect folder. To run it use following command:

    stack setup # you only need this once to set up GHC stack install --ghc-options="-pgmlo opt-3.5 -pgmlc llc-3.5" dist-walls-service

    Refer to corresponding readme to solve any problems. Note, that you have to use linux and have llvm-3.5 dev libraries to run it.

  4. Go to page http://localhost:3000/viewer

    • (hint) Open browser console to see debug output if you have any troubles.
  5. Open toolbox -> connect to luci.

  6. Run scenario:

    • (a) Load some scenario via luci (if uploaded something before).
    • (b) Upload some scenario using FILES button. There is one available at apps/hs/qua-server/static/data/mooctask.geojson. Save it to luci.
  7. Make sure that luci and some service is running, then go to SERVICES tab. It should show a list of available services. You can select one to run it. Click on refresh button if you do not see your service in a list. At this moment service parameters are broken, so do not look at them!

  8. Press green play button.