
Author WeBWorK pg files through Julia

Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


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Author WeBWorK pg files using Julia scripts.


A pg page consists of an intro, one or more questions, and some meta data. This example shows a pg page with three questions.

using JuliaWeBWorK

# meta data
meta = (
KEYWORDS  = "Julia, WeBWorK",
DBChapter = "Sample questions",
DBSection = "section 1",
Section = "1",
Problem = "1"

qs = JuliaWeBWorK.QUESTIONS()     # convenient container for questions
letters = JuliaWeBWorK.LETTERS()  # convenience for incrementing questions

# jmt string macro allows string interpolation, Mustache interpolation
# we author in Markdown with latex for equations
# Latex uses ``inline`` or
# ```math
# displaymath
# ```

intro = jmt"""

# Some sample questions


## ----


# Addition

$(letters()) What is ``{{:a1}} + {{:a2}}``?

         (a1,a2) -> a1 + a2,     # compute answer
         (2:5, 3:6)              # a1 is chosen from 2:5, a2 chosen from 3:6
         ) |> qs                 # add to questions

## -----


# Order

$(letters()) Select the biggest value.

       ["1", ["2", "3", "4", "5"]],   # nested containers are shuffled
       5                              # index within flattened list of values
       ) |> qs

## ----


# Tangent lines

![some image](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0f/Tangent_to_a_curve.svg/200px-Tangent_to_a_curve.svg.png)

$(letters()) What is true *in general* about tangent lines?

               ["They intersect the graph at just one point",
                "They intersect the ``x`` axis at ``0`` or ``1`` point",
                "They intersect the ``y`` axis at ``0`` or ``1`` point"],
               ) |> qs

p =  Page(intro, qs;  meta...)  # show(p) creates the pg contents

## Can copy to the clipboard (mac command below) and paste into
## https://demo.webwork.rochester.edu/webwork2/wikiExamples/MathObjectsLabs2/2/
## to check
open(pipeline(`pbcopy`, stderr=stderr), "w") do io
   show(io, p)

## Or just call show


Questions can be numeric (numericq), choice (radioq), multiple choice (multiplechoiceq), string answer (stringq), or an open-ended text box (essayq). As well, there is a means to display randomized plots (plotq), labels (label), or hint popups (hint).

Questions are authored in Markdown with LaTeX equations possible. It is suggested to use the markdown syntax of ... for inline math and math ... for display equations. The questions may be parameterized by random values through the {{:a1}}, {{:a2}}, ... Mustache placeholders. The "addition" example illustrates. This randomization may be shared across problem using randomizer.