
A Haskell parser written in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskellBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This is my attempt to create a Haskell parser that is written in Haskell. The goal was to create a parser that can parse its own code.

It is based on the Haskell2010 syntax.

This is by no means production-ready. A part of the Haskell syntax has not been implemented. Also, there will probably be bugs and suboptimal code. No guarantees of correctness are given.

How it works

Overall, the concept of a parser is simple: it turns raw code into an abstract syntax tree. This syntax tree could be potentially optimized afterward. These are often the first steps of an interpreter or compiler. The next step could be executing the code or translating it to another programming language.

My implementation of a parser consists of 4 steps.

1. Prescan

This takes the raw Haskell code of a single module as input. Then it looks for pragma definitions at the start of the string. Each line containing a pragma is replaced by an empty line. The processed lines and the separate pragmas are returned.

The pragmas are not utilized at the moment (though they could be in a more advanced parser implementation). Only the prescanned code feeds into the next step.

2. Lexer

This takes the prescanned code as input and converts it to a list of tokens. A token is the smallest parsable unit of the syntax. All the possible tokens are defined in Tokens.hs.

The algorithm for the lexer is somewhat home-grown. It scans the input for the longest string that matches a token. Once it finds that longest substring, it pops it off together with a token and the string location. After that, it looks for the next token.

Scanning for the longest substring is not an uncommon idea. But the approach in which the strings are matched might be. For each token, there is a state machine that keeps track of whether the scanned letters are allowed in the current position for the token.

3. Layout

Haskell is normally layout-sensitive. This means that the way that the code is laid out can change the semantic meaning. Therefore, an intermediate step is needed to make the stream of tokens layout-insensitive. This requires inserting additional tokens like {, } and ; in specific places.

The algorithm for doing this is provided in section 10.3 of the Haskell2010 syntax.

4. Parser

The final step is to convert the stream of layout-insensitive tokens to an abstract syntax tree. All the possible elements of the tree are defined in Elements.hs. The parser combinators can be found in ParserHelpers.hs. The method of parsing is recursive descent.

In summary...



Now I provide the input, output, and intermediate products for the parsing of a seemingly simple program. The program calculates the Fibonacci sequence. It was taken from here.


{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Fibonacci where

fibs = 0 : 1 : next fibs
    next (a : t@(b:_)) = (a+b) : next t

1. Prescan

Prescanned code:

module Fibonacci where

fibs = 0 : 1 : next fibs
    next (a : t@(b:_)) = (a+b) : next t


[Language "BangPatterns"]

2. Lexer

Tokens: (omitted for brevity)

3. Layout

Layout-insensitive tokens:

[ScanItem (3,1) "module" Keyword Module,ScanItem (3,8) "Sample" TypeName,ScanItem (3,15) "where" Keyword Where,ScanItem (0,0) "{" LeftBrace,ScanItem (5,1) "fibs" ValueName,ScanItem (5,6) "=" Equals,ScanItem (5,8) "0" IntegerLiteral,ScanItem (5,10) ":" Colon,ScanItem (5,12) "1" IntegerLiteral,ScanItem (5,14) ":" Colon,ScanItem (5,16) "next" ValueName,ScanItem (5,21) "fibs" ValueName,ScanItem (6,3) "where" Keyword Where,ScanItem (0,0) "{" LeftBrace,ScanItem (7,5) "next" ValueName,ScanItem (7,10) "(" LeftParan,ScanItem (7,11) "a" ValueName,ScanItem (7,13) ":" Colon,ScanItem (7,15) "t" ValueName,ScanItem (7,16) "@" At,ScanItem (7,17) "(" LeftParan,ScanItem (7,18) "b" ValueName,ScanItem (7,19) ":" Colon,ScanItem (7,20) "_" ValueName,ScanItem (7,21) ")" RightParan,ScanItem (7,22) ")" RightParan,ScanItem (7,24) "=" Equals,ScanItem (7,26) "(" LeftParan,ScanItem (7,27) "a" ValueName,ScanItem (7,28) "+" Varsym,ScanItem (7,29) "b" ValueName,ScanItem (7,30) ")" RightParan,ScanItem (7,32) ":" Colon,ScanItem (7,34) "next" ValueName,ScanItem (7,39) "t" ValueName,ScanItem (0,0) "}" RightBrace,ScanItem (0,0) "}" RightBrace]

4. Parser

Abstract syntax tree:

  (ModId "Sample") Nothing
                  (VarId "fibs")) Nothing)))
                        (LitInteger "0")))
                  (QConOp_GConSym GConSym_Colon))
                          (LitInteger "1")))
                    (QConOp_GConSym GConSym_Colon))
                            (QVarId Nothing
                              (VarId "next"))))
                              (QVarId Nothing
                                (VarId "fibs")))
                      (VarId "next"))
                                (VarId "a")) Nothing))
                          (QConOp_GConSym GConSym_Colon)
                                  (VarId "t"))
                                            (VarId "b")) Nothing))
                                      (QConOp_GConSym GConSym_Colon)
                                              (VarId "_")) Nothing))))))))))
                                          (QVarId Nothing
                                            (VarId "a"))))
                                      (QVarSym Nothing
                                        (VarSym "+"))))
                                            (QVarId Nothing
                                              (VarId "b"))))
                          (QConOp_GConSym GConSym_Colon))
                                  (QVarId Nothing
                                    (VarId "next"))))
                                    (QVarId Nothing
                                      (VarId "t")))
                            ))))) Nothing)


Lots of inspiration was taken from https://github.com/jrauhamaa/hc.