Output Field

Intro to the Folders

/components - reusable and page-specific components /e2e - Playwright end-to-end test suite /lib - utility functions /pages - page components. Routing docs /pages/api - "server side" code. Docs /outputfieldapplication - Sanity CMS /prisma - Prisma ORM schema /public - static files, such as icons /styles - style sheets /types - general use Typescript types


You'll need .env and .env.local. Contact an admin for these.

Run in development

Clone the repo, then navigate to the root of the project (where package.json lives) and run:

> npm install

Finally, run

> npm run dev

in a terminal window, and in browser your navigate to localhost:3000. Currently the project is best viewed in mobile (open the web Inspector and toggle device view).

Migrate the DB after schema change

> npx prisma migrate dev

This will also seed the database using prisma/seed.ts

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