
Configuration helper for node.js services running with consul and/or Docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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commissioner is a small configuration helper for node.js services. It will help you if meet the following:

  1. use Docker/Docker Compose (linked containers),
  2. and/or use consul for service discovery,
  3. you don't want to care about environment in which you application runs, you just want to get IP and port of dependent service.


var service_name = 'redis';
var service_port = 6379;

commisioner(service_name, service_port, function(err, records) {

or with fallback

var options = {
  fallbackAddr: 'localhost',
  fallbackPort: 6379

commisioner(service_name, service_port, options, function(err, records) {


  1. Query DNS (SRV) for <service_name>.consul.service and return records, if not found goto #2.
  2. Query DNS (SRV) for <service_name>-<port>.consul.service and return records, if not found goto 3.
  3. Get ADDR/PORT from ENV (Environment Variables in container) and return, if not found goto 4.
  4. if fallback ADDR and PORT passed, return them, otherwise return error.