Web Architecture 253


This course is a survey of Web technologies, ranging from the basic technologies underlying the Web (URI, HTTP, HTML) to more advanced technologies being used in the the context of Web engineering, for example structured data formats and Web programming frameworks. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the technical issues surrounding the Web today, and to provide a solid and comprehensive perspective of the Web's constantly evolving landscape.


The content for this class is based on the Web Architecture class taught by Jim Blomo (jblomo)


Labs (15%), Assignments (45%), Project (40%)

  • Labs are due at 11:59 pm of the day they have been assigned
  • Assignments and the Project are due 11:59 pm on the day of their due date
  • Late labs will not be accepted
  • Late assignments will be deducted 5 points each day they are late.
  • If there are any issues please contact me asap


  • Kay Ashaolu kay@ischool
  • Office hours available upon request via Google Hangout



Date Class Prep Lecture Slides Labs Assignments / Projects
Aug 26 VMs, Linux, and Git Introduction and Browsers Lab 1: Setting up Git
Start Lab
Sep 2 Try HTML and CSS HTML and CSS Lab 2: Create a simple web page
Start Lab
Assign 1: Build a Local Static Website
Start Assignment
Sep 9 Let's learn some JavaScript JavaScript Basics I and II Lab 3: Play around with JavaScript
Start Lab
Sep 16 HTML Forms: putting it all together HTML Forms and JavaScript and the DOM Lab 4: Fun with Forms
Start Lab
Sep 23 Internet Fundamentals I Nuts and Bolts: URL's and HTTP Lab 5: Using the terminal to browse the web
Start Lab
Assignment 1 Due
Assignment 2 assigned
Start Assignment
Sep 30 Programming your own server using NodeJS Server Programming I and II Lab 6: Create our first web server
Start Lab
Oct 7 Dynamic web pages Dynamic Web Pages and Sending data to web servers Lab 7: Using POST
Start Lab
Oct 14 Internet Fundamentals II Nuts and Bolts: Networking, and TCP and DNS Lab 8: Understanding DNS and IP
Start Lab
Assignment 2 Due
Assignment 3 Assigned
Start Assignment
Oct 21 What is an API? API's and REST Lab 9: Create your own API
Start Lab
Group Project Part 1 Assigned
Start Project Part I
Oct 28 RDBMS and NoSQL Storage Systems I and II Lab 10: Add a database to your API
Start Lab
Group Project Part 1 Due
Nov 4 What is the cloud and cloud web architecture Group Project Kick off Group Project Part 2 Assigned
Start Project Part II
Nov 11 Academic Holiday
Nov 18 Special Topics TBD Work on Project Assignment 3 Due Wed 11/16
Nov 25 Academic Holiday
Dec 2 Special Topics TBD Work on Project
Dec 9 Group Presentations Group Project Part 2 Due