Assignment 3

Build and consume your own API

In this assignment you will be tasked with creating your very own api, which you will then modify your web server in assignment 2 to use. You will also learn how to connect to a database to insert and retrieve data from a persistent store of information.

What you will be doing is moving the title and content of your blog from your web server to a database. You will be running two servers: a web server that will be hosting your web page as in assignment 2, and a server that will be hosting your API that will be delivering the content of your blog to your web server.

There are a series of steps that you'll need to complete:

Copy your assignment 2 web server code to it's own repository

While we are grading your assignment 2 code, you will need to modify your web server to call your API to get the title and content of your blog. So your first step is to create your assign-3-webserver repo from the customary link and then copy your assignment 2 code to this repo. Be sure that you are able to install all relevant node packages using the command npm install (ensure that your package.json file has all of the dependencies that you need)

Set up your API in your assign-3-api repo

Next you will need to set up your API in a separate repo called assign-3-api. You will need at least the following npm modules installed (be sure to install with the --save option to modify the package.json).

  • sqlite A full file based database
  • express The Express framework we used for our webserver
  • request Enables you to easily send HTTP request from the server

Note: Be sure to run your server on a different port (other than 3000). If you run two servers on the same port you will get an error during the startup of the second server

Create two endpoints to the API in your assign-3-api repo

POST /blog

You will first create an endpoint with the path /blog that would do the following:

  • Create a table using sqlite (only if it doesn't exist) in a static file with the following fields
  • slug: the unique slug of the blog post. For example, the blog post: A Mindful Shift of Focus should have the slug:
  • title: the title of the blog post. For example for the "A Mindful Shift of" post, the title should be: "A Mindful Shift of Focus"
  • content: the content of the blog post. This should contain all of the HTML content that is after the title of your pages. The goal is to grab the content of the blog post from this api instead of hard coding it in your web server.
  • Accept the following body parameters with content type "application/json":
  • slug
  • title
  • content
  • Insert the new slug, title, and content into your database

GET /blog

You will then create another post that will send the data of the blog as json

  • It will accept the following query parameters:
  • slug (i.e. "a-mindful-shift-of-focus")
  • It will return a json response that will look like the following:
    slug: "a-mindful-shift-of-focus",
    title: "A Mindful Shift of Focus",
    content: "<h2>By Leo Laparte</h2>..."

Populate your database

You will now need to populate your database by sending POST /blog requests to your API to populate your database. I would suggest creating a json file for each blog post (i.e. "a-mindful-shift-of-focus.json") and writing the contents of a single blog post in the file.

For example, in the file "a-mindful-shift-of-focus.json", the contents could be something like this:

    slug: "a-mindful-shift-of-focus",
    title: "A Mindful Shift of Focus",
    content: "<h2>By Leo Laparte</h2>..."

You can now use curl to send a request to your api, sending a-mindful-shift-of-focus.json as the data:

curl -vX POST https://localhost:3001/blog -d @a-mindful-shift-of-focus.json --header "Content-Type: application/json"

Modify your assign-3-webserver repo to call your assign-3-api to retrieve the blog information

You will now need to delete all of the hard coded blog content and send a request from your web server to your api to retrieve the blog title and content. You will need to use the request npm package in order to accomplish this. Consider the GET requests that you would need to make in order to retrieve the title and the content data of each blog post.

Add a file at the root of your repository answering the following questions

  1. What is the function of the following technologies/concepts in your assignment:
  2. Web Server
  3. API
  4. JSON
  5. SQLite
  6. curl
  7. TCP
  8. IP
  9. Content Type
  10. How does your web server interact with your API? Talk about both endpoints and how they are used in this assignment
  11. Why did we use curl in this assignment?
  12. List all of the possible GET and POST requests that are sent and received from both your web server and your API and describe what what sent and received in each request/response

Extra Credit

Create another web page on your web server with the path "/admin" and create a form where you can dynamically add new blog posts to your blog without editing any more code.

The form should have the following fields:

  • Slug
  • Title
  • Content

This form should be submitted to the web server, and the web server will need to use the POST /blog endpoint in order to modify the database. After this change the web server should be able to view the new blog post.

For example, if a user submitted the form with the content:

  • Slug: test-blog-post
  • Title: Test blog post
  • Content: <h1>This is my first dynamic blog post</h1>

Then if the same user went to http://localhost:3000/test-blog-post, they should see a blog post with Title "Test blog post" and with the content <h1>This is my first dynamic blog post</h1>