
Cloud Drive Mounter will help you to use rclone to mount cloud storage in your local pc.

Primary LanguageBatchfile


Cloud Drive Mounter will help you to use rclone to mount cloud storage in your local pc.


  1. Download latest release package by below link. https://github.com/asurpbs/Cloud-Drive-Mounter/releases/download/cloud-drive-mounter/cloud-drive-mounter-v-
  2. Unzip it.
  3. Setup your cloud drive using rclone.
  4. Run cloud.bat and choose the number of cloud storage which displayed in your command window.
  5. Give enter and wait. (Don't close this window until your do your operations.)


Watch below video to setup your cloud storage with rclone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwxbX6PNiWA&pp