
Custom component for HA that enables the creation of scheduler entities

Primary LanguagePython




This is a custom component for Home Assistant, that is used for controlling your existing devices based on time. It works nicely together with the Lovelace scheduler card.

A scheduler entity defines an action at a certain time, for example 'turn on my lamp at 21:00 every day'. Any entity in HA can be used for making a scheduler entity, together with any service that is available in HA.


Step 1: Download files

Option 1: Via HACS

Make sure you have HACS installed. If you don't, run curl -sfSL https://hacs.xyz/install | bash - in HA. Then choose Components under HACS. Choose the menu in the upper right, and select Custom repositories. Then add this repo's URL. You should be able to choose Install now.

Option 2: Manual

Clone this repository or download the source code as a zip file and add/merge the custom_components/ folder with its contents in your configuration directory.

Step 2: Restart HA

In order for the newly added integration to be loaded, HA needs to be restarted.

Step 3: Add integration

In HA, go to Configuration > Integrations. In the bottom right corner, click on the big button with a '+'.

If the component is properly installed, you should be able to find the 'Scheduler integration' in the list.

Select it, and the scheduler integration is ready for use.

Step 4: Add the scheduler-card

Follow instructions on Lovelace scheduler card to setup the card that allows you to configure scheduler entities.

Scheduler entities

Entities that are part of the scheduler integrations will have entity id following according to pattern switch.schedule_<token>, where <token> is a randomly generated 6 digit code.

You can treat these entities in the same way as other switch entities in HA, meaning that you could place them in any Lovelace card for quick access.


A scheduler entity can have the following states:

State Description
off Schedule is disabled. A disabled schedule will not keep track of time, and will not execute any actions.
waiting Schedule has internal timer running and is waiting for the timer to expire. The attribute next trigger provides the moment of expiration
triggered Timer is finished and the action is executed. Entity will wait for 1 minute and then reset the timer.
initializing unknown Something went wrong, the schedule is not running.


Since schedules follow the switch platform, you can use the switch.turn_on and switch.turn_off services to enable and disable schedules.


Add a new scheduler entity.

Name Type Default Description
actions list required One or more Actions
entries list required One or more Entries

An action defines the service calls to be executed.

Name Type Default Example Description
service string required turn_on Service that must be executed when the timer expires
entity entity required light.my_lamp Entity ID of the device that you want to trigger
service_data map none brightness:100 Extra arguments to pass to the service call

An entry defined the time on which to trigger one or more actions.

Fixed time entry:

Name Type Default Example Description
time time required "12:00" Time on which the actions should be triggered
days list none - 1
- 2
List with specific days for which you want the timer to trigger (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
actions list required - 0 List of action indexes to be executed on the specified time

Variable with sun time entry:

Name Type Default Example Description
event string "sunrise" or "sunset" "sunrise" Reference time point
offset time none "-01:00" Time difference w.r.t. the reference time point
days list none - 1
- 2
List with specific days for which you want the timer to trigger (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
actions list required - 0 List of actions to be executed on the specified time


Update the configuration of a scheduler entity.

Name Type Default Example Description
entity_id entity id required switch.schedule_123456 Entity ID of the scheduler entity
actions list required See action One or more Actions
entries list required See entry One or more Entries

Note that not all properties are editable at this point. This is a work-in-progress.


Remove a scheduler entity.

Name Type Default Example Description
entity_id entity id required switch.schedule_123456 Entity ID of the scheduler entity


Test the action (entity + service combination) that is configured. This will have the same behaviour as it will have when the timer expires.

Name Type Default Example Description
entity_id entity id required switch.schedule_123456 Entity ID of the scheduler entity
entry int Optional 0 Index of the entry to be executed