
jump into ruby, web programming & rails

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ruby & Rails Jumpstart - here's what we're working towards

Ruby proficiency (via Textmate, command-line, and possibly browser-based interpreter)

  • RVM ruby management
  • Ruby language fluency: classes, functions, methods, loops, conditionals
  • Command-line execution of ruby scripts
  • Textmate for Ruby editing

Web app proficiency (via Sinatra, with browser & command-line access)

  • Raw HTML, CSS & JavaScript
  • Ruby (server-side) programming
  • JavaScript (browser-side) programming
  • Chrome (developer tools)
  • Curl (command-line)

Rails proficiency

  • HAML
  • Compass & SCSS
  • Coffeescript
  • Controllers
  • Models & ActiveRecord
  • Models & ActiveRest