Static Site (w/ Tailwind)

The Stack

How to run


  • Run yarn serve:dev This will serve src with index.html as your entry point.

  • To compile Tailwind CSS manually for dev without watching run yarn compile:css:dev

Note: "This ain't no fancy React app K.I.S.S and just hit the refresh button."

Building for Production

So you actually want to deploy this thing...

  • Run yarn build:all to do "all the things" This will copy over all the *.html files to a /build directory and compile app.css with the NODE_ENV=production. This tells Tailwind to use our preset purge option from tailwind.config.js

  • Copy this /build directory to any static hosting site... Or tell your static hosting site to use /build/index.html as it's entry point. If you're lucky you can have it run the same build:all command for you as well.

That's it

That is it folks... Drop in some static HTML, link index.css, and have fun.

Hosted with Vercel at