
Our recipes

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


RuBLog is a really simple site generator that supports Markdown, written in ruby.

This idea is to create (one more) site generator, but very simple: <200 lines of code, that you can totally understand in a few minutes (even if you don't know ruby). It's made for those who don't want too many options, or they are ready to implement their own.

As jekyll or pelican, the publish command will deploy the generated html on the orphan branch gh-pages to allow you to host your website on github.com!

Currently there is only one template 'mes recettes', designed to share recipes.

Get started

vagrant up
cd /vagrant
sudo apt-get installruby-dev
sudo gem install redcarpet


./rublog newpage <sub-template> <file-name> (file-name: without extension)
Create a new file in ./pages from ./templates/<template>/<sub-template>.

./rublog build
Generate all pages and index from ./pages to ./output.

./rublog runserver
Create a webserver listening on dev_port (from ./settings.json) and will watch for changes in ./pages. It will generate the new/updated file.rbg in this folder to output. (It will not regenerate index.html).

./rublog publish
This command will run build and commit the content of ./output folder to the orphan branch gh-pages.


├── output                       Output directory (generated and non commited)
├── pages                        Website pages directory
│   ├── example                  
│   │   └── example.jpg          
│   ├── example-1.rbg            Rublog page file
│   └── example-2.rbg            Rublog page file
├── rublog                       Executable
├── settings.json                Project settings
├── templates                    Templates directory
│   ├── tempalte-1               Template
│   │   ├── index.html.erb       Main template: required
│   │   ├── foo.html.erb         Subtemplate html (Rublog page is associated with a subtemplate)
│   │   ├── foo.rbg              Subtemplate meta structure
│   │   └── static               Lib, images ... (will be copied in output): required
│   ├── tempalte-2               
│   └── ...                      Other templates
└── Vagrantfile                  


Create a new template



  • Finish to write the readme: explain subtemplates behavior and structure
  • Support discuss ?
  • Google Analytics ?