
A fake Pusher server for development and testing.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

pusher-fake Latest Version Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability

A fake Pusher server for development and testing.

When run, an entire fake service starts on two random open ports. A Pusher account is not required to make connections to the fake service. If you need to know the host or port, you can find the values in the configuration.

The project fully replaces the Pusher service with a local version for testing and development. Using the service as a replacement for production is not recommended.


  1. Working offline is not possible.
  2. Using a remote API for testing is slow.
  3. Wasting connections and messages in development is unreasonable.
  4. Stubbing the JavaScript, such as with pusher-test-stub, is suboptimal and tedious for integration tests.


Test Environment

1. Use the PusherFake JS for the Pusher JS instance.

  <% if defined?(PusherFake) %>
    // Test environment.
    // Note: Ensure output is not HTML escaped, such as with the raw helper in Rails.
    var instance = <%= PusherFake.javascript %>;
  <% else %>
    // Other environments, such as production.
    var instance = new Pusher(...);
  <% end %>

2. Start PusherFake in your environment.

require "pusher-fake/support/rspec"
require "pusher-fake/support/cucumber"

Using Zeus requires a custom plan. See an example plan for the configuration necessary.

require "pusher-fake/support/base"

# Reset the channels after each test:

Development Environment

In a Rails initializer, or any file executed during loading:

# Avoid running outside of development, if it's a global file.
if Rails.env.development?
  # Set the Pusher configuration, if it's not done elsewhere.
  Pusher.app_id = "MY_TEST_ID"
  Pusher.key    = "MY_TEST_KEY"
  Pusher.secret = "MY_TEST_SECRET"

  # Require the base file, which starts the socket and web servers.
  # If you're including this file in different processes, you may want to add
  # another check or even possibly hard code the socket and web ports.
  require "pusher-fake/support/base"

If you're using Foreman, or something similar, you'll want to limit the fake to a single process:

  require "pusher-fake/support/base"
web: PUSHER_FAKE=1 bundle exec unicorn ...
worker: bundle exec ...


If you're creating a Pusher::Client instance and wish to use the fake, you need to provide the options.

  key:    Pusher.key,
  app_id: Pusher.app_id,
  secret: Pusher.secret


If you need to run the fake as a standalone service, perhaps when using Docker, there is a pusher-fake binary available.

$ pusher-fake --help
Usage: pusher-fake [options]
    -i, --id ID                      Use ID as the application ID for Pusher
    -k, --key KEY                    Use KEY as the key for Pusher
    -s, --secret SECRET              Use SECRET as the secret token for Pusher
        --socket-host HOST           Use HOST for the web socket server
        --socket-port PORT           Use PORT for the web socket server
    -v, --[no-]verbose               Run verbosely
        --web-host HOST              Use HOST for the web server
        --web-port PORT              Use PORT for the web server
        --webhooks URLS              Use URLS for the webhooks


Note that the application ID, API key, and token are automatically set to the Pusher values when using an included support file.


Setting Description
app_id The Pusher application ID.
key The Pusher API key.
logger An IO instance for verbose logging.
secret The Pusher API token.
socket_options Socket server options. See EventMachine::WebSocket.start for options.
verbose Enable verbose logging.
web_options Web server options. See Thin::Server for options.
webhooks Array of webhook URLs.


# Single setting.
PusherFake.configuration.verbose = true

# Multiple settings.
PusherFake.configure do |configuration|
  configuration.logger  = Rails.logger
  configuration.verbose = true


The WebSocket server is provided all socket_options, allowing you to set the secure and tls_options options to create a secure server.

The web server passes all web_options, besides host and port, to the Thin backend via attribute writers, allowing you to set the ssl and ssl_options options.


  • pusher-fake-example - An example of using pusher-fake with RSpec to test a Rails application.


pusher-fake uses the MIT license. See LICENSE for more details.