SwiftyGum is a tool which calculates AST-based source code differences.
This tool is a reimplementation of GumTree for Swift.
If you would like to konw the detail algorithem, read the paper which proposes GumTree.
You can easily check AST-based differences.
The green means Insert, the red means Delete, the yellow means Update, and the purple means Move.
$ swift build -c release
The executable files are generated in .build/release
$ ./.build/release/SwiftyGumCLI <src> <dst>
src - Source file (orifinal file)
dst - Destination file (editted file)
--report [default: cli] - Report format of EditScript
--min-height [default: 1] - Minimum height that AST nodes are matched in TopDown Matching
--sim-border [default: 0.2] - The boundary value that determins two different node should be matched.
Add the following to your .gitconfig
tool = SwiftyGum
[difftool "SwiftyGum"]
cmd = <The path of the executable on your system)> $LOCAL $REMOTE
prompt = false
You can execute SwiftyGum for edited swift files in your repository.
$ git difftool